1. Termination and Notice Period:

a. Members must provide a one-month notice period before terminating services.

b. The notice period begins from the date the written notice is received by MAITYS.

2. Exclusion of GST in Refund Calculation:

a. GST (Goods and Services Tax) will not be considered in the calculation of refunds.

b. The refund amount will exclude any applicable taxes.

3. Quarterly Deductions:

a. Refund deductions will occur quarterly, irrespective of the duration of service consumed during that quarter.

b. Deductions will be made even if the service is consumed for only one day within the quarter.

4. Full & Final Settlement:

a. The full and nal settlement, including the refund calculation, will be provided to the member.

b. Refunds will be processed and transferred to the member's account within a timeframe of 30 to 90 days from the date of accepting the calculation.

5. Refund Calculation:

a. The refund amount will be calculated based on the services unused during the notice period and any applicable deductions.

b. Deductions may include fees for the notice period, outstanding payments, or other agreed-upon charges.

6. Refund Disputes:

a. In the case of disputes regarding the refund amount, both parties will engage in open communication to resolve the issue amicably.

b. If a resolution cannot be reached, the dispute resolution process outlined in the overall terms and conditions will be followed.

7. Changes to Refund Policy:

a. MAITYS reserves the right to modify the refund policy with reasonable notice.

b. Members will be informed of any changes to the refund policy in writing.

8. Communication of Refund Process:

a. Members will be kept informed of the refund process and any relevant updates.

b. MAITYS will provide documentation detailing the refund calculation for transpa- -rency.

9. Governing Law:

a. This refund policy is governed by the laws of the [jurisdiction], and any disputes will be resolved in accordance with those laws. Make sure to review this policy with legal professionals to ensure it aligns with local regulations and is suitable for the specific circumstances of MAITYS.

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